            involved at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

Come celebrate, learn and connect with one another through community and weekly worship.

As a community of faith we are called to support each other in the thick of life, embracing individuals, families and communities that are hungry for hope and healing, justice and peace, advocates and partners.

Getting Involved


Getting involved
at SVLC.

  • Children

    Kids Club happens most Sunday mornings during our worship service. It's a cool, interactive way for kids in Preschool through 6th grade to learn about God's amazing power and plan for their lives.

    Kids stay with their families in worship for the beginning music, Confession and Forgiveness, and Children's Chat. Then they head downstairs with a volunteer Kids Club Teacher to learn about the same Bible stories that their families are learning about in the Sanctuary. There will be activities, crafts and games using the Spark Lectionary Sunday School curriculum. After the sermon, participants return to the Sanctuary to participate in Holy Communion and the rest of the service.

    Check it out! SVLC's Kids Club will have your kids jumping for joy and excited to come to church. Contact SVLC Children's Ministry Coordinator Brittany DeRohan if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to help with Kids Club.

  • Youth

    Faith Thinking Confirmation brings SVLC youth together with middle-school aged youth from other local ELCA congregations for classes and retreats. It is a great opportunity to learn more about our faith tradition while getting to know other people your own age. Parents join us at our ten Sunday night sessions covering the Old and New Testaments, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles' Creed. We also take field trips to learn about other faith traditions and have overnight retreats three times per year to delve deep into a topic. Contact Pastor Andy ( to learn more.

    Pretty Awesome Cluster (PAC) events bring together youth from the South King County Cluster for times of fellowship and fun, service and learning. Events are hosted by different congregations and vary from hockey games to retreats. Follow PAC events online at

  • Adults

    Adult Education happens when a few folks get interested in exploring a topic and we get together. Generally it meets on Sundays at 8:15am and finishes before the 9:30am service.

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 11:00am for a walk through the Scriptures or another topic of mutual interest. We are currently in the midst of a four-week Advent study exploring how each Gospel presents the birth of Christ. We will begin a study of Hebrews in January, 2019.

    Gathered in Grace (GiG) Women's Group meets the first Wednesday night of the month from September through May at 6:30pm. Dinner and a large-group study time are followed by small group discussions. All women are invited to join at any time.

    Joyful Noise Praise Band rehearses on Thursday nights at 7:30pm and leads worship about half the time. We are always looking for new musicians to join the band. Members rotate from week to week based on their availability. Contact Praise Band Director Lisa Sutter for more information.

    Choir rehearses every Thursday night at 6:00pm, under the direction of SVLC Music Director Ken Riggs. All singers are welcome to join this fun group of musicians. The choir sings about every other week throughout the school year. Contact Ken Riggs for more information.

    Small Music Ensembles form periodically when people want to share their vocal or instrumental talents.

    Other opportunities to serve in worship include running the soundboard and computer, ushering, reading scriptures, and being involved in dramatic productions.


Getting involved
in outreach.